Heart's Limbo

by Carolyn Kizer
I thrust my heart, in danger of decay
through lack of use,
into the freezer-compartment, deep
among the ice-cubes, rolls ready to brown 'n' serve,
the concentrated juice

I had to remember not to diet on it.
It wasn't raspberry yoghurt.
I had to remember not to feed it to the cat
when I ran out of tuna. 
I had to remember not to thaw and fry it.
The liver it resembled
lay on another shelf.

It rested there in its crystal sheath, not breathing, 
preserved for posterity.

Suddenly I needed my heart in a hurry. 
I offered it to you, cold and dripping,
incompletely thawed.
You didn't even wash its blood from your fingertips.
As it numbed them, you asked me to kiss your hands.
You were not even visibly frightened 
when it began to throb with love.

Maimed, vicious as a ferret mutilated
by an iron trap set for bigger game,
dangerous, smooth as a young stone-bathing serpent,
nude, vulnerable as a new-hatched bird,
now my heart rests in your warm fingers' cage.

You anneal its pain with each caress.
You coax it with gentle sounds, in my strange language
nobody else has ever bothered to learn.
You nourish it with choice tidbits
from your enormous storehouse of love.

You smile when it beats in the rhythm of new music
we compose together, in the night.

You know my heart can never be re-frozen. 
It would be leached of its flavor, taste like dust.
You know my heart can never be re-frozen.
It would rot as it thawed.
I would have it carted to the city dump
in its sealed refrigerator tomb.
But it will drum right to the end of you and me.
I have given you its lifetime guarantee.

my thoughts

this is where i'll put my thoughts when i think them